Our midweek groups are focused on listening to Jesus and responding to him, but in smaller groups that give more time for meaningful relationships and personal engagement. Each group has leaders who help their groups get into God’s Word working through different books of the Bible and their implications for our lives. As we hear from God we want to speak to him and so our evenings end in times of prayer to God and for each other. As we come together week by week with the same people our hope is that groups are a place to grow deeper relationships and stronger community. They are an imperfect but precious place to grow together.

Come along on a Wednesday or Thursday whichever suits you best. Church family arrive from 7.00pm to catch up before the Bible studies get going at 7.30pm and we finish by 9.00pm.

Bring food, catch up over coffee and meet new people. If you would like to join one of our midweek groups, please get in touch here. All are welcome to join!

Please see our term dates (including homes nights) for 2024/2025 here.

Newcomers and those exploring the Christian faith are always welcome.